Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

What is stress?

We hear about stress all the time. It’s on the news, in the newspapers, people talk about it and often when we ask someone how they are, their answer is, ‘Oh, I’m just so stressed!’ We witness it manifesting in people
and ourselves in many different ways. Some people get irritable and lose their sense of humour, some withdraw or become obnoxious, others feel fatigued and overwhelmed.
Stress is the body’s response to what is happening in our lives and can take many forms. Some stressful situations in our lives are sudden and diffi cult, others life changing, but most are just part of our everyday life.
With everyday stress, we deal with it along the way and it doesn’t necessarily negatively affect our wellbeing. But it is when the demands of our days exceed our ability to cope that we fi nd ourselves out of balance.
1 Stress reduces our capacity to be productive in all aspects of our lives.
2 It can negatively affect all of our relationships and it can also make us very sick.
3 Unmanaged stress can cause depression, which has been described as the common cold of mental illness.
That’s why we need to take this seriously; to realise that if the pressures of our lives are greater than our capacity to cope, then we need to take responsibility to make the changes in our lives to protect our wellbeing

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